Project traceability matrix

The traceability matrix allows you visualise the dependencies between Requirements iconrequirements, Change requests iconchange requests, Test case icontest cases and other other assets in your Project iconproject.Traceability matrix example The image on the right shows an example of a traceability matrix. The first column and the first row shows a change request (86) and a list of requirements. The arrows shows the dependencies between two items. For example, the intersection between SEC_01 in the second row and SEC_01.1 in the second column shows a green arrow indicating that requirement SEC_01.1 is dependent on SEC_01. To add a new dependency you can just click on an empty cell. You cannot created a looping dependency so some cells will be inactive. For example say you had three requirements A, B and C. Say you’ve added a dependency from A to B and also from B to C, then you cannot add a dependency from C to A.


If you have more columns or rows than configured in the display options (see below) then buttons will be displayed to scroll through the matrix, either a page at a time or to the back or front of the matrix.


The red arrows in the traceability matrix indicate that the parent item has changed. For example SEC_02 has changed and the arrows to SEC_02.1 and SEC_02.2 are both red. The test case TC_03 in turn is dependent on SEC_02.1 and SEC_02.2 so its arrows have also been flagged red. This allows you to see where there was a change that has not been propagated yet. Once you have updated the dependent requirements you can clear the flags by clicking on the red arrow.


Directly below the traceability matrix are two buttons to export to matrix to CSV export iconCSV or Excel export iconExcel. These exports will include the whole matrix, regardless of the number of columns and rows you’ve set in the display options (see below).

Display options

Below the traceability matrix you have options to change what is displayed on the horizontal and on the vertical axis. You can include Risk map iconrisks, issues iconissues, Features iconfeatures, Change requests iconchange requests, requirements and test cases. You can also set the maximum number of columns and rows to display. Click on the “Update matrix” button to update the traceability matrix once you’ve changed the display options.