Workflow transitions normally have two steps. The first is to request a particular transition and the second is to authorise that transition. Depending on the design of the workflow some transition may not require authorisation so when you request this transition it is automatically authorised at the same time.
This form can be used to request a state transitions for the selected asset. Depending on the type of the asset you may also be able to change the owner or allocate the asset to another user or role.
If you selected a specific workflow button from the
options menu in your top header area or in the Actions column menu next to an asset then the form will be pre-selected for that transition. If you used the Request transition button then you will get a drop-down box with the list of transitions that you can select from the current state.
For certain types of assets you will also be able to select a new owner for the selected asset, for example for projects defects, actions, etc.
For other types of assets you will be able to re-allocate the asset to different users and/or roles, for example for tasks or defects.