Date formats

Date field and formats

This field can be used to enter a date. The exact format for the field will depend on what date format you selected in your Edit iconeditable user preferences. If the system is not 100% about the date you have entered it will make its best guess and present the date back to you for confirmation. Below are some alternative date formats that you can try:
Format Example
dd-mm-yyyy 24-02-2008
dd/mm/yyyy 24/02/2008
ddmmyyyy 24022008
yyyy-mm-dd 2008-02-24
yyyy/mm/dd 2008/02/24
yyyymmdd 20080224
yy-mm-dd 08-02-24
dd mmm yyyy 24 Feb 2008
dd month yyyy 24 February 2008
+/- # months/weeks +3 months

Date picker

You can use the date picker by clicking the Calendar icon calendar icon. Here you can select a specific date by clicking on the day you want to add. You can use the dropdowns to change the months and the years.

Dropdown options

If this date field has a dropdown of options, this means you can use dates such as ‘Last financial year’ where it will automatically grab that date. You can see next to the dropdown what that date would be relative to now (if you are using scheduled reports, this date would be wrong as it will be relative to the next run date of the report).

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