There are two ways to access the add follow popup:
The first way is to navigate to the asset you wish to follow. Then click on the Follow button in your top header area, as indicated in Figure 1 below. This will open the add follow popup.
Once you have clicked either the follow button or add button you will get the add follow popup. Use the popup form, shown in Figure 4, to select the source for the follows.
Once you are happy with your selection click on the “Add follow” button at the bottom of the form.
The new follow can be viewed in the Follows tab at the user’s view page, as shown in Figure 5.
The first way is to navigate to the asset you wish to follow. Then click on the Follow button in your top header area, as indicated in Figure 1 below. This will open the add follow popup.
Figure 1 – Access via follow button
The second way is to navigate to your My stuff page, access to which is shown in Figure 2 below.Figure 2 – Access to My Stuff page via the navigator
Then, select the Follows tab, as shown in Figure 3. Note that it might be located under the tab drop-down. Click on the Add follow button in the table, as indicated in Figure 3 below.Figure 3 – Access via tabbed view
Once you have clicked either the follow button or add button you will get the add follow popup. Use the popup form, shown in Figure 4, to select the source for the follows.
Figure 4 – Add follow form (phase 1)
Use the tree navigation layout to select the source of follows. You can show or hide levels or sub-levels by clicking on the expand or collapse icons. Select the name of your desired source of follows and if you are happy with the selection click on the “Next” button at the bottom of the form. Note: names with a cannot be selected. Step 4 – The next phase of this process is to select the relevant check boxes that are available so that you can assign which follows you’d like to receiveFigure 4 – Add follow form (phase 2)
In Figure 4 above, the form has been broken down into three sections:
Section 1 |
Source:This read-only field shows the asset which is assigned to be the source of follows.
Owner only: Select this check box if you only want to receive the follow if you are the owner of that item
Allocated only: Select this check box if you only want to receive the follow if the selected item is allocated to you |
Section 2 | These are the tabs that you can cycle through to edit each section of the follow source, the number of tabs at this section will depend on the source chosen. When you navigate to a new tabbed view in this popup, any information entered in Section 3 from the previous tabbed view will be saved. This means you do not need to click on any buttons to save each tab, but can instead click on the Add button at the bottom of the popup when you wish to add your new follow settings with the set details. |
Section 3 | This information will change as you cycle through the tabs shown in Section 2, and the available fields will change accordingly. A breakdown of the field information for each tab is provided below. |
Figure 5 – View from follows tab
Click the “Cancel” button if you no longer want to add this follow.