Test case results

A Test case icontest case result is a copy of a Test case icontest case into a Test run icontest run where you can record the results of testing against that test case. Changes to the original test case after the test run is added will not affect the test case result. Test case results are automatically added to a new test run based on the test cases that were selected, and can be viewed at the test run view page. A test case result can be in one of a number of states:
State Description
New The default state for a newly added test case result
Started Testing has been started on the test case result and the clock is ticking
Paused The test case result (and the clock) has been paused
Pass The test case result is completed and all of the test steps in the test case result has passed (or conditionally passed)
Conditional Pass The test case result is completed successfully but there are some conditions to the result.
Fail The test case result is completed and some of the test steps had failures
Cancelled The test step was cancelled
Psoda automatically keeps track of the time that you spend on testing and the results are displayed on the view test case result page. You can Attachments iconattach any type of document to your test case result for example screen shots or output files from the testing. It is best though to attach these to the specific test step icontest step result if applicable. You can also add short Comment iconcomments on the test case result.