Add product form

This popup form can be accessed via the Programme iconprogramme view page Add menu iconadd menu in the top header area, as shown in Figure 1. Alternatively you can access the Add iconadd popup form via the Products tabbed view at this same page, shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1 – Access via add menu

Figure 2 – Access via products tab

This popup is shown in Figure 3 and is used to add a new Product iconproduct for the selected programme.

Figure 3 – Add product form

This form has the following fields:
Organisation: This read-only field shows which organisation you are creating the product for.
Programme: This read-only field shows which programme you are creating the product in.
Product: This is where you put the name of the product you want to add, e.g. Leave Application. The name must be unique within your organisation.
Description: You can enter a short description of your product here.
Workflow: Use this drop-down list to select a Workflow iconworkflow for the product.
Owner: Use this drop-down list of icon_userusers to select an owner for the product.
If you accidentally try to add a new product with the same name as an existing product for your organisation then you will get a warning message. Once you are happy with your entries click the “Add product” button at the bottom of the form. This will add a new product with the details that you supplied. The new product can be viewed in the Products tab at the parent asset’s view page, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 – View from products tab

Click the “Cancel” button if you no longer want to add a new product.