User menu

The user menu is located in the sidebar menus at the bottom left-hand corner and shows you which user you are logged in as, providing links to log out of Psoda, the support functions, the help centre, your current timesheet, the guided tour, your my stuff page and your user preferences.

User menu locationFigure 1 – User menu location

User menuFigure 2 – User menu

User menu

The user menu shown in Figure 2 contains options that take you directly to pages related to your account and your experience as a Psoda user:
  • The My stuff link takes you to your personal homepage. This is the same as clicking on the My stuff link in the navigator. For more information on your personal homepage, visit the My Stuff help page in this online help system.
  • The Timesheets link will take you to your current weeks timesheet view page. This is discussed in more detail in the view timesheet help page.
  • The Preferences link will open a popup form where you can set your personal preferences. This is discussed in more detail in the edit user preferences help page.
  • The Support link takes you to a page where you can log problem reports or enhancement requests for the Psoda system. The support options are described in more detail in the Support help page.
  • The Guided Tour link enables the introduction popups that you will be given on your first time logging in to Psoda. Here you can turn on helpful message boxes to help you get used to Psoda. The guided tour function is turned off when you close out of the message box.
  • The next button in this menu is a link to this help centre.
  • The Logout logs you out of Psoda. Note: If you accidentally closed the browser instead of logging out first then your old session will lock you out and you will not be able to log back in for 15 minutes.

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