Timesheet approvals

If you are a line manager with staff reporting to you then their Timesheets icontimesheets will come to you for approval. When one of your direct reports Request state transition iconsubmits a timesheet for approval you will receive an email Notification iconnotification. The timesheet will also appear in on the dashboard of your My Stuff view page.

Reviewing timesheets awaiting approvals

The table showing timesheets waiting your approval includes a number of key columns to help you review the timesheets:
Selected Use the check boxes in this column to select multiple timesheets to process at the same time. Once selected you can act on all of the selected timesheets in one go.
User Shows which team user’s timesheet this is.
Week starting Shows the week for which this timesheet applies. If you want to see the details of the timesheet click on the date in the Week starting column to navigate into that timesheet’s view page.
Week total Shows the total number of hours logged for this week.
Expenses Shows the total amount of expenses included with the timesheet.
Actions Includes a number of actions that can be taken on the timesheet.
Workflow Includes a number of workflow actions you can take on the timesheet, primarily Pass iconapprove or Fail iconreject.
Amendment sheets may have negative hours, for example if time was logged to the wrong task.

Approving/rejecting one or more timesheets

To approve a single timesheet you can click on the approve or reject icons in the workflow column next to that timesheet. If you want to approve or reject multiple timesheets at the same time:
  1. Set the check boxes in the Selected column next to each of the timesheets you want to include
  2. Click on the approve or reject icons in the last row of the table next to the export to CSV and export the Excel buttons.
  3. You will get a confirmation popup window depending on whether you were approving, as shown in Figure 1 or rejecting, as shown in Figure 2 to complete the request

 approve timesheet popup

Figure 1 – Approve confirmation popup

  reject timesheet popup

Figure 2 – Reject confirmation popup

Note that if you are rejecting a timesheet, you will need to provide a reason for this rejection. Any notes can be added to the approval or rejection at your own discretion.