Timesheets are used to log time spent by individual users on
tasks that have been allocated to them.
You can add a number of tasks to the timesheet from the list of tasks allocated to the user or any

groups the user belongs to.
Ad-hoc tasks
You can also add ad-hoc tasks if no appropriate task is currently allocated to the user. Time logged against ad-hoc tasks can later on be transferred to a specific task.
All the time logged for individual tasks of the timesheet are added together for each day of the week. The day totals are added together to give an overall count of hours for the timesheet.
You can also capture the start and end times for each day of the week, as well as your break duration. These are added up to give you the overall attandance for the week.
Approval workflow
When you add a new timesheet you can apply the
Standard timesheet approval workflow (or
workflow). You can also define a custom approval workflow for your organisation.