This popup form can be accessed via the
options menu in the top header area of the
organisation view page, as shown in Figure 1.
mass approve all planned tasks under this organisation level.
tasks for the selected asset indicated in the read-only field in this popup (in Figure 2, this is the organisation). This includes all tasks within
task groups under the selected asset.
If you select the Include workflow tasks check box then any tasks that have workflow applied to them will be included. Psoda will try to find a workflow transition that will lead to the task reaching an approved state. Otherwise, only non-workflow tasks will be included in this mass approval.
If you select the Include tasks from child assets check box then all tasks below the selected asset that are awaiting approval will be approved once you confirm this action.
NOTE: Archived tasks will not be updated.
Figure 1 – Access via options menu
This popup is shown in Figure 2 and is used toFigure 3 – Mass approve tasks form
This form can be used to approve all of the