Task groups

working task groupTask groups acts as Psoda’s Work Breakdown Structures. The task groups module can be used to keep track of task details for a particular Contact details iconorganisation, Programme iconprogramme, Project iconproject, Subproject iconsub-project or Change requests iconchange request. A task group consists of a number of Task map icontasks that may be grouped into sub-task groups. You can also add task groups at your organisation level, for example to cover non-billable tasks such as leave and internal meetings. A task group can have multiple tasks. Each task represents a unit of work that is needed to complete the project and contains an estimated effort, start date, end date, estimated progress and actual effort recorded into Timesheets icontimesheets. Tasks can be grouped into sub-groups of the task group, down to as many levels as is required. The time and effort from the tasks are added up into the sub-group and ultimately into the task group. A project can have multiple task groups, e.g. different version during the planning phase. The task groups are treated independently and are not summed together. If a task group is no longer required it may be archived if a history needs to be maintained or deleted if no history is required.