Key feature
Streamline your work with smart automations
Say goodbye to manual tasks and the endless maze of spreadsheets. It's time to let our intelligent algorithms and advanced technology do the heavy lifting for you.
Complete automation
Psoda's automation capabilities extend to nearly every aspect of your project management journey. From automated task assignments and progress tracking to intelligent notifications and reminders, our platform ensures that no important detail slips through the cracks.
Learn about automated workflowsWhy do the same thing over and over?
Set up automated emails
Imagine the freedom of automated emails effortlessly reaching the right recipients at the right time, keeping everyone in the loop without lifting a finger. No more wasting precious hours drafting and sending repetitive messages. With Psoda, communication becomes effortless and seamless.
Schedule automated reports
Set and forget your regular reports with our scheduled reporting capability. You decide when the report runs, in what format, who receives a copy and more, then the automation does the rest.

Uncover elusive data with

Our game-changing automation tool, Psonar, goes beyond the ordinary. Uncover elusive data with a single click, unlocking insights that were once hidden in the depths of your projects. Let Psonar be your trusted guide, streamlining your data analysis process and empowering you to make informed decisions with ease.
With Psoda, you regain control of your time and focus on what truly matters—driving innovation, fostering collaboration and achieving your project goals.
With Psoda, you regain control of your time and focus on what truly matters—driving innovation, fostering collaboration and achieving your project goals.
Learn more about automations
Let us show you what you want to see with a free, personalised demo.