De-escalate issue form

If an issue has been escalated to you, your Group iconrole, or one of your Programme iconprogrammes or Project iconproject, you may want to de-escalate an issues iconissue, if you feel that it is no longer a priority. This popup form can be accessed via the issues tabbed view at the authority’s view page (e.g. Contact details iconorganisation, Programme iconprogramme, Project iconproject, icon_useruser or role), shown in Figure 1. This feature will only be visible in the Actions menu iconactions column menu for issues that have been escalated to this authority.

de-escalate from tab

Figure 1 – Access via issues tab

This popup is shown in Figure 3 and is used to de-escalate an issue.

de-escalate form

Figure 3 – De-escalate issue form

Click the “De-escalate issue” button to confirm that you want to de-escalated the selected issue from it’s authority. For example, Figure 3 demonstrates de-escalating an issue from the user ‘Alvin Smith’. Click the “Cancel” button if you no longer want to de-escalate the issue.