Edit milestone form

You may edit some aspects of the chosen milestone using inline editing, or you may utilise the edit popup described below. This popup form can be accessed via the Edit button iconedit button in the top header area of the milestone view page, as shown in Figure 1. Alternatively you can access the Edit iconedit popup form via the Actions menu iconactions column menu of the Schedule tab at the Programme iconprogramme, Project iconproject or Subproject iconsub-project view pages, as shown in Figure 2. Alternatively you may have access to edit the chosen milestone via the Actions menu iconactions column menu of the desired milestone listed in the Open milestones dashlet at the parent asset’s dashboard tab, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 1 – Access via edit button

Figure 2 – Access via schedule tab

Figure 3 – Access via open milestones dashlet

This popup is shown in Figure 4 and is used to edit an existing milestone.

Figure 4 – Edit milestone form

This form has the following fields:
Parent asset: This read-only field shows which programme, project or sub-project this milestone resides under.
Reference*: Use this field to enter or edit the unique reference for this milestone. The reference must stay unique across the whole programme, project or sub-project.
Renumber existing tasks & milestones: Select this check box if you want to insert this milestone and renumber any existing tasks or milestones. It is recommended that you select this checkbox if you have changed the reference above, so as to maintain current ordering.
Title You can provide or edit the short title for this milestone here.
Description: You can enter or edit the longer description for this new milestone here.
Critical: Select this check box if you would like to set this milestone to be a critical milestone. This will then show up in any reports that show critical pathways.
Original date: This is the original or baseline date for the milestone. Dates can be entered or edited using your previously configured date formats, or you can utilise the calendar control function to select the date.
Forecast date: Use any of the available date formats or calendar control to assign the date forecasted for the completion of this milestone.
Actual date: Use any of the available date formats or calendar control to assign the date that this milestone was actually achieved (i.e. completed).
Progress: You can enter or edit the percentage of this milestone’s completion here.
Deliverable: Use this check box to mark if you want this milestone to be for a deliverable.
High level milestone: Use this check box to mark if you want this to be a high level milestone.
Archived: Select this check box if you would like to set this milestone to be archived.
*The reference and progress fields are mandatory, but all others are optional. Once you are happy with your entries click the “Update milestone” button at the bottom of the form. This will update the milestone with the details that you supplied. Click the “Cancel” button if you no longer want to update the milestone.