
The Budgets module can be used to keep track of Budget iconbudget details for a particular Programme iconprogramme, Project iconproject, Subproject iconsub-project or Change requests iconchange request. This includes budget baselines per month, budget itembudget items and groupings and also actual costs. The budget is dependent on two attributes of the parent asset:
Start date If the asset start date is set then the month intervals for the budget will be based on that start date.
Budget intervals The number of months allowed in the budget is set using this asset attribute.
A budget can have multiple budget items. Each budget item contains the baselines of costs for that item. Budget items can be grouped into sub-groups of the budget, down to as many levels as is required. The baselines from the items are summed into the sub-group; and ultimately into the budget. An asset can have multiple budgets, e.g. different version during the planning phase. The budgets are treated independently and are not summed together. If a budget is no longer required it may be archived if a history needs to be maintained or deleted if no history is required. A Workflow iconworkflow can also be selected for each budget. When you Add iconadd the budget you can select the Standard Budget Workflow, or you can Add iconadd a new workflow for budgets specific to your organisation.