View indicator page

This page is shown in Figure 1 and shows all the information relating to the selected Indicators iconindicator. indicator view page

Figure 1 – Indicator view page

The  top header area allows you to Edit icon edit, Delete icon delete, Move iconmove, merge iconmerge or Copy iconcopy the indicator. You can also icon_indicatorvalue add new indicator values. Some details of the indicator are displayed just below the top header area, for example the section, description, classes and read-only status of this indicator. There is also an additional area where the indicator’s workflow information is displayed. The rest of the page is made up of a number of tabs or sections (depending on your selected view):

icon_indicatorvalue Indicator values

This tab shows an asset listing of all of the indicator values that have been added to this indicator, as shown in Figure 2. By default, this table will present you with a number of details about the indicator values such as the name, description and score. If you select the link under the name column, you will navigate into the indicator value’s view page. From the Actions column of this indicator values table, you can act on individual values by Edit iconediting or Delete icondeleting the selected value.indicator view page values tab

Figure 2 – Indicator indicator values table

Note that you can customise your table view by clicking the Edit iconedit button at the bottom of the indicator values table or navigate to this same spot to Add iconadd more indicator values to this indicator. Here, you can also export this list to Excel export iconExcel or CSV export iconCSV files.

History icon History

This tab shows shows some basic history of the indicator, as shown in Figure 3.  By default, this tab will present you with a number of details about the indicator’s history such as the creation date, creation user, last update date and last update user. If the indicator has been changed then this section will also show a table of all the changes that has been made, including the date of each change, the field changed, the value before the change and the user who made the change.view page history tab  

Figure 3 – Indicator history tab

Note that you can customise your change table view by clicking the Edit iconedit button at the bottom of the change table. Here, you can also export this list of changes to Excel export iconExcel or CSV export iconCSV files.