Approve task form

The ability to approve tasks is restricted to those with the appropriate access rights. Only approved tasks can be added to a user’s timesheet There are two ways to approve tasks in Psoda. You can either approve each Task map icontask individually, as explained below, or Pass iconmass approve tasks in one go. To approve a single task navigate into the Edit iconedit task form via the task’s view page, as shown in Figure 1, or via the Actions menu iconactions column menu of the Schedule table at any of the parent asset view pages (e.g. Contact details iconorganisation, Programme iconprogramme, Project iconproject, Subproject iconsub-project, working task grouptask group or Change requests iconchange request), as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1 – Access via edit button

Figure 2 – Access via tasks& milestones tab

In the details tab of the edit popup, you will be presented with the Approved option, as shown in Figure 3, that you can select to approve the task in question. This will allow the task to be included in Timesheets icontimesheets.

Figure 3 – Approved option in details tab of edit task form

To confirm the approval of this task, click the “Update task” button at the bottom of this form. Alternatively, you can select the “Cancel” button if you no longer want to edit the settings of this task.