View task page

This page is shown in Figure 1 and shows all the information relating to the selected Task map icontask. task view page

Figure 1 – Task view page

The top header area at the top of the top header area allows you to Edit icon edit, Delete icon delete, Move iconmove, Copy iconcopy or Edit iconbaseline the task; or to add a Materials iconmaterial, Actions iconaction, issues iconissue, Better cancel iconassumption, Attachments icon attachment or Comment icon comment to this task. Some details of the task are displayed in subsections just below the top header area, such as the task’s location within Psoda, and it’s associated category, title, progress, effort and cost. The rest of the page is made up of a number of tabs or sections (depending on your selected view):

Actions icon Actions

This tab shows an asset listing of all of the actions registered for this task, as shown in Figure 2.  By default, this table will present you with a number of details about the actions such as it’s reference, description, priority and due date to name a few. If you click on the reference link of the listed action, you will navigate to that action’s view page. From the Actions column of this actions table, you can act on individual actions by Edit iconediting, Delete icondeleting, escalate iconescalating or Move iconmoving the chosen action.action tab

Figure 2 – Task actions tab

Note that you can customise your table view by clicking the Edit iconedit button at the bottom of the action table or navigate to this same spot to Add iconadd more actions to this task. Here, you can also export this list to Excel export iconExcel or CSV export iconCSV files.

Task map icon Advanced estimates

This tab shows an asset listing of all of the scheduling information according to advanced estimates, as shown in Figure 3.  By default, this table will present you with a number of details about the advanced estimates such as it’s context, reference, start and end dates, the users listed as resources for that estimate, resource total and a breakdown of actual and variance comparisons for time breakdowns. From the Actions column of this advanced estimates table, you can act on individual estimate by Edit iconediting the chosen estimate via the edit popup or using inline editing. advanced estimates tab

Figure 3 – Task group advanced estimates tab

Note that you can customise your table view by clicking the Edit iconedit button at the bottom of the advanced estimates table. Here, you can also export this list to Excel export iconExcel or CSV export iconCSV files.

Better cancel icon Assumptions

This tab shows an asset listing of all of the assumptions that have been added to this task, as shown in Figure 4.  By default, this table will present you with a number of details about the assumptions such as it’s reference, title, description, the user who created this assumption and it’s current state. If you click on the reference link of the listed assumption, you will navigate to that assumption’s view page. From the Actions column of this assumptions table, you can act on individual assumption by Edit iconediting, Delete icondeleting or Move iconmoving the chosen assumption.assumptions tab

Figure 4 – Task assumptions tab

Note that you can customise your table view by clicking the Edit iconedit button at the bottom of the assumption table or navigate to this same spot to Add iconadd more assumptions to this task individually or CSV import iconimport multiple from a CSV file. Here, you can also export this list to Excel export iconExcel or CSV export iconCSV files.

Attachments icon Attachments

This tab shows an asset listing of all of the attachments that have been added to this task, as shown in Figure 5.  By default, this table will present you with a number of details about the attachments such as the file’s name, attachment type, view the version and access a download link. From the Actions column of this attachments table, you can act on individual attachments by Edit iconediting, Delete icondeleting, Move iconmoving or lock iconlocking/unlock iconunlocking the selected attachment. view page attachments tab

Figure 5 – Task attachments tab

Note that you can customise your table view by clicking the Edit iconedit button at the bottom of the attachment table or navigate to this same spot to Add iconadd more attachments to this task. Here, you can also export this attachment list to Excel export iconExcel or CSV export iconCSV files. At the very bottom of this tabbed view, you have the option to add more attachments by utilising the drag and drop functionality to drag the files you wish to upload into the drop box (note that this function works in HTML5 compliant browsers only).

Comment icon Comments

This tab shows an asset listing of all of the comments that icon_userusers have made on this task, as shown in Figure 6.  By default, this table will present you with a number of details about the comments such as, the date that this comment was last updated, who created the comment, the comment itself and any associated tags to name a few. From the Actions column of this comments table, you can act on individual comments by Edit iconediting or Delete icondeleting  the selected comment. view page comment tab

Figure 6 – Task comments tab

Note that you can customise your table view by clicking the Edit iconedit button at the bottom of the comment table or navigate to this same spot to Add iconadd more comments to this task. Here, you can also export this comment list to Excel export iconExcel or CSV export iconCSV files.

Group icon Conflicts

This tab an asset listing that shows any conflicts between this task and other tasks allocated to the same resources, as shown in Figure 7. By default, this table includes a row for each user that the task is allocated to as well as all members of any roles that the task is allocated to, as well as scheduling and allocation information about the conflicted task. For each user the table lists the tasks that potentially conflicts with this task as well as a workload chart for each user. The workload charts shows a stacked bar-graph of the workload for each user. The task that you are viewing is highlighted in red. The chart shows both the approved and planned activity for the user, split into tasks allocated directly to that user and tasks allocated to roles that the user is a member of. conflicts tab

Figure 7 – Task conflicts tab

The period included in the workflow charts is 2 times the duration of the task, centered on the task period.

Expenses icon Cost allocation

Taking information from business units – if there are business units to list.

Task map icon Details

task details tab

Figure 9 – Task details tab

This tab shows some additional details on the task, for example the description, job code, whether it is deliverable or critical, any predecessors or successors, estimate type and the assigned workflow information, as shown in Figure 8. If you have sufficient permissions you will also see the charge model and rate override.

History icon History

This tab shows shows some basic history of the task, as shown in Figure 10.  By default, this tab will present you with a number of details about the task’s history such as the creation date, creation user, last update date and last update user. If the task has been changed then this section will also show a table of all the changes that has been made, including the date of each change, the field changed, the value before the change and the user who made the change.view page history tab  

Figure 10 – Task history tab

Note that you can customise your change table view by clicking the Edit iconedit button at the bottom of the change table. Here, you can also export this list of changes to Excel export iconExcel or CSV export iconCSV files.

issues icon Issues

This tabbed view shows the issues table as seen in Figure 11, listing any issues that have been logged for this task. By default, this table provides impact and priority information, plan progress and resolution dates for the issues listed, as well as any actions that can be taken. The workflow column also provides information as to the next workflow transitions available. The Actions column of the issues table provides accessible functions to act on a chosen issue. These functions include Edit iconediting, escalate iconescalating, Delete icondeleting, Move iconmoving or adding a Comment iconcomment or Attachments iconattachment to that indicator.view programme issues tab

Figure 11 – Task issues tab

Note that at the bottom of the table you can Add iconadd more issues manually or CSV import iconimport multiple issues from a CSV file, Edit iconedit the table columns to show or hide issue information, or export this issue list to Excel export iconExcel or CSV export iconCSV files.

Materials icon Materials

This tab shows an asset listing of all of the materials needed for this task, as shown in Figure 12.  By default, this table will present you with a number of details about the materials such as, the description, quantity needed, unit price, total price, the vendor as well as if the material has been ordered or delivered. Materials that are due to be ordered or delivered are flagged in red under the order by and needed by columns. You can sort the table by clicking on the column headings and if you click on the link below the material column you will navigate into the selected material’s view page. From the Actions column of this materials table, you can act on individual materials by Edit iconediting or Delete icondeleting  the selected material.materials tab  

Figure 12 – Task materials tab

Note that you can customise your table view by clicking the Edit iconedit button at the bottom of the material table or navigate to this same spot to Add iconadd more materials to this task. Here, you can also export this list to Excel export iconExcel or CSV export iconCSV files.

Timesheets icon Time log

benefit view page workflow timeline tab Figure 13 – Time log tab

This tab shows an asset listing of all of the timesheets that have time logged against this task. This table supports inline editing.

History icon Workflow timeline

This tab shows you a table containing each of the state transitions that have been applied to this project on the associated workflow. Note that you can customise your table view by clicking the Edit iconedit button, or export this issue list to Excel export iconExcel or CSV export iconCSV files.

benefit view page workflow timeline tab Figure 14 – Task workflow timeline tab

Below the state transition timeline table, you will be presented with a visual breakdown of the timeline in a GANTT chart, as shown in Figure 14.